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Bracelet pet shower

A shower that people can use both hands

to rinse their pets



User Research

Product design





8 Weeks (2016)


Many pet owners have a hard time when giving a bath to their pets. Using one hand to hold a pet and the other hand to hold a showerhead, often wishes they had an extra hand. There is a risk that the pet moves on and on splashing a lot of water on the person. Also, water from showerhead enters sensitive parts of a pet such as ears. This wrist wearable device is a solution that allows pet owners to use both hands freely. And users can change the area of the water holes and wash their pet with the narrow stream, which prevents the water from entering the sensitive parts of the pet. It makes the bath time easier for the pet owners and their pets.


According to the design methodology, we proceeded with the preliminary investigation first.

Trend analysis -> video ethnography -> survey ->

interview -> video analysis -> persona -> Behavioral


And, we found that many pet owners have a hard time washing their pets.

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Lack of hands

Water splashing 

Cause of disease

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Using one hand to hold a pet and the other hand to hold a showerhead, they often wish they had an extra hand. 

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Many dogs don’t like water and while they are bathing, they move and struggle. The dog splashes a lot of water on the person.

Water entering sensitive parts such as ears and eyes is dangerous because it can cause illnesses like inflammation.

Wrist wearable

Wearing the shower on your wrist, you can freely use the hand you used to hold a shower device before. 

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Both hands

You can wash your pet with both hands, reducing your physical burden and controlling a pet easily.

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Pet customized water stream

You can wash your pet with both hands, reducing your physical burden and controlling a pet easily.

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Wear it on the user's wrist with a band

I studied the proper shape and size to wear on the wrist. By changing the material and shape of the part that touches the wrist, the user can feel comfortable.

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Using silicone to increase comfort

I thought about the improvements in the existing design and proceeded with the second design.


Establish guideline

I conducted a survey on lightweight, water control technology, and wrist materials.



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A button to change the area of the water holes

Separate the connecting part of the showerhead and then assemble connecting part of the product by turning it. It is connected with thinner and lighter than the existing shower hose.

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Hose to replace shower head

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Separate the connecting part of the showerhead and then assemble connecting part of the product by turning it. It is connected with thinner and lighter than the existing shower hose.

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Convenience of wearing with silicone band

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It is designed to allow users to wear showers on their wrists in light and comfortable ways using silicon. It can also be used hygienically from water-contact.

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